Saturday, May 22, 2010

Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival

Visual Communications is a non-profit organization that prides itself in being the first in “the nation dedicated to the honest and accurate portrayals of the Asian Pacific American peoples, communities and heritage through the media arts.” (Mission & History)

Their mission is:
Our mission is to promote intercultural understanding through the creation, presentation and support of media works by and about Asian Pacific Americans.

Visual Communications programming include the annual Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival. The hit movie Better Luck Tomorrow originally played at the festival when it came out and due to the great results; it ended up being played in the theaters. I went to this years’ Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival and watched the movie God is D_ad. After I watched the movie, I stuck around and talked to one of the main actors and producers. But the person I interviewed was director of Visual Communications, Anderson. I paraphrased his answers and I hope you enjoy!

1. What are the goals with the Asian Pacific Film Festival?

Promote the Asian American media and to provide a venue for them.

2. What are some of the struggles?

It is a nonprofit organization so money is an issue a lot of times. There are challenges to raising money; for instance, the filmmakers are in need of money. Access can be limiting.

3. What do you think about the types of roles Asian Pacific Islander Americans play in movies/films?

It is getting better. Although they are still behind, due to technology getting more and more advanced, such as the internet, they are catching up. The Asian audience is different; they are hungry which empowers them to search more. The internet has been a great way to expose the Asian American media.

4. How do you advertise for this festival?

Social media, street teams, flyers, committee organization, and word of mouth.

5. How do you pick which films are going to play?

There is a screening committee, people submit their films, and by building relationships with previous filmmakers.

6. What is some advice you would give to fellow Asian Pacific Islander Americans wanting to work in this area?

Have a creative content for filmmaking. It is different than what it was 10 years ago, so have hope. The industry is more visually oriented. There are new ways to message your company. Be successful. Globalization does exist in this fast pace world.

I really recommend everyone to go out to the film festival!!!

"Mission & History - Default." Home - Default. Web. 29 Apr. 2010. .

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